Roster of 14th Kentucky Cavalry, C.S.A
Part 2
(Lane thru Young)
Lane, Craven private Co. A POW Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. July 19, 1863 - wishes to take oath. Died Sept. 19, 1864. Cause of death: Small Pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Lane, John private Co A
Lappin, Abraham private Co. A POW Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Lavony, R private Co. A Residence: Louisville, KY. On list of furloughed and detailed men, CSA commanded by ________ Surrendered at New Orleans, LA by Gen. E. Kirby Smith CSA to Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby USA May 26, 1865. Paroled at Shreveport, LA. June 8, 1865.
Leach, James private Co. A POW (no date) Woodbury, Ky. Receipt given by Maj. F. W. Hoodley CSA acting Agent for exchange to Capt. E. Morgan Wood, agent for the U.S. for POWs received at Vicksburg, MS on board the steamer Maria Denning, Nov. 15, 1862. POW Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange. Remarks: Does not wish to be exchanged on grounds of being a loyal man. Dated --- to Feb. 15, 1864. Statement of Service Reference Slip: Oklahoma: James Leech Co. A 2nd Reg. KY Cav (unreadable) records show POW Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863.. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange. James Leach (not found as Leech) Pvt. Co. A 14th KY Cav. Rec’d at Boulman’s & Cox wharves, James River, March 10, 11 or 12, 1865. There are no rolls on file for Co. A 14th KY Cav. Some of the men of the 14th KY Cav. Who escaped capture in 1863 were assigned to 2nd Batt. - Duke’s Brigade KY Cav. Above named not found on rolls of 2nd KY Cav. Or other KY organization. Signed by initials: F.W. (?) E.H.B. dated: 9/20/15. Sept 21, 1915 Any record of enlistment, etc. on record as per call. Signed: Curr**** (unreadable) No record found as per call. Signed: Williamson, Sept. 21, 1915 Respectfully returned to the Chairman, Board of Pension Commissioners, Oklahoma City. The Union POW records show that James Leach (surname Leech not found) Private Co. A 14th KY Cav. CSA was captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. That he was paroled at Camp Douglas, Ill. and transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange and that he was rec’d at Boulware & Cox’s wharves, James River Va. On or about March 12, 1865.There are no rolls on file in this office for said Co. A. Some of the men of said 14th KY. Cav who escaped capture in 1863, were assigned to the 2nd Batt. Duke’s Brigade Cav. CSA but Leach’s name has not been found on the rolls on file of any Kentucky, Cav. Organization numerically designated the 2nd, nor on the rolls of other Ky. organizations that was in the CSA nor has he anything additional relative to him been found. Signed: (unreadable) Adjutant General. James Leech filed with James Leach.
Lloyd, James private Co. B. POW received at Military prison Louisville, KY. Captured Aug. 22, 1864 at Canton, KY transferred to Camp Douglas Nov. 24, 1864 by order of Col. Fraleigh. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Nov. 26, 1864. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Logwood, Thomas S. private Co. B. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Present Remarks: Was Corporal until Nov. 15, 1862. 2nd KY Cav. Thomas Logwood 1st Cpl. Co. A 2nd KY Cav. Muster roll for Nov.& Dec. 1862. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Woodsonville, KY by Lt. Col. Johnston. Paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Due $50.00. Remarks: Prisoner Lebanon, Tenn May 5, 1862. Exchanged and transferred to “Scouts.” POW Camp Chase, OH. Arrested at Lebanon, Tn May 17, 1862. Exchanged Aug. 25, 1862 (* note: listed as Captain)*notation arrested: July 5, 1863, May 17, 1862. Camp Morton Aug. 9, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Captured July 5, 1863. Sent to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Loney, Ed private Co. B (later Corp’l.) Filed with Edward H. Lonney. Muster roll: Jan 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Absent. Remarks: Was sent to Murfreesboro on flag of truce and retained by Gen. Rosecrans. Appointed Corpl. until Nov. 15, 1862. Descriptive roll: Edward Lonney, private in Quirk’s Scouts Morgan’s Cav. $389.50 at McMinnville March 11, 1863 for 10 months and 15 days as private of calvary from Jan. 1, 1862 to Nov. 15, 1862. 10 months @ 12.00 120.00; 15 days 6.00; Pay for horse (same time) $144.00; Pay as (unreadable) 19.50; Clothing 50.00; Bounty 50.00; Paid to Edward Lonnery and signed by him March 11, 1863. Also signed by D.H. Llwelyn.
Lowery, R. W. private Co. A Camp Chase POW list. Arrested at Harrodsburg, KY July 12, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 20, 1863. Whence to Kemper Barracks by order of Lt. Col. Eastman. Departed Aug. 24, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas.
Lowney, Edward private/corp’l Co. B.(Filed with Edward H. Louney)
Lowrey, Fesington C. private Co. C.(see also 2nd KY Cav.)
Lowry, Pleasanton private Co. C.(Filed with Lowrey, Fenington C.)
Lucas, Charles private Co. B Company muster: Enlisted Dec. 4, 1862 at Black Shop by Gen. Morgan for the war. Horse: 10.80
Lyle, Clarke private Co. B Enlisted April 20, 1862 at Covington by Capt. Morgan. Jan. 1, 1862 - Jan. 1, 1863. Horse: 144.00
Mackey, John private Co. B Enlisted Nov. 20, 1862 at Black’s Shop by Gen’l Morgan for the war. Horse: 13.60
Manhart, James private Co. B
(also filed with John Manhart) Enlisted Nov. 25, 1862 at Black’s Shop by Gen’l Morgan for the war. Horse: $14.00 POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Appears on a register of Receiving and Wayside Hospital #9 Richmond, VA. Admitted March 19, 1865. Disposition: Camp Lee March 11, 1865. Remarks: P.P.
Marks, Nathaniel private Co. A.
Marshall, Henry ( Negro) no rank given. Co. B. POW Camp Chase. Arrested at Salineville, OH. July 26, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase whence to Wellsville, OH by order of Maj. Gen’l Brooks. Departed Aug. 22, 1863 to Camp Douglas. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Remarks: Servant
Marshall, Henry B. private Co. C POW Dept. Of the Cumberland. Captured Marshal Co., AL Jan 15, 1865. Forwarded to Louisville, KY Jun. 20, 1865. Appears on a POW roll at Nashville, TN captured by forces under Maj. Gen. Thomas, commanding, Dept. Of the Cumberland and forwarded to Capt. S. E. Jones, Add’l A.D.C. Louisville, KY Jan. 20, 1865. Sent to Camp Chase, Oh. Jany. 23, 1865. Rec’d Camp Chase Jan. 25 at Camp Chase. Paroled at Camp Chase and transferred to City Point, VA Feb. 25, 1865 for exchange. Appears on a register of Jackson Hospital, VA March 8, 1865. Diagnosis: Debilitas. Furloughed March 9, 1865 for 30 days.
Mattingly, John R. private Co. B POW Camp Morton, Indianapolis, Ind. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Released Feb. 7, 1865. Oath: Residence: Nelson Co., KY Complexion fair. Hair brown. Eyes grey, 5' 9 3/4" Remarks: Enlisted June 1, 1862
McBride, John L. private (no Co. given - later Co. F) POW Camp Morton forwarded to Point Lookout, MD for exchange March 15, 1865. Captured at Benton, KY Jan. 1, 1864. Oath taken in Nashville: Residence - Marshall Co, Ky. Complexion dark. Hair dark. Eyes blue. 5' 9" Entered Service: Vol. Dec. 22, 1863. Deserted April 13, 1865. Took oath May 5, 1865. Remarks: No family.
Mc Camathy, William private Co. A (filed with McConathy, William J.)
McColgan, James T. Co ___ Sgt. Major (filed with McColgan, Tallyrand. POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Took oath at Chattanooga TN. May 15, 1865. Res. Jackson Co. TN. Complexion dark. Hair dark, Eyes Hazel, 5, 11" Where to report: Gainesboro, TN. Tennessee Board of Pension Examiners: 28th Reg’t. Tenn Infantry. Hamilton’s Battn. Cav. 14th KY Cav. Not found as of any Co. 28 Tenn. Inf. Or of Hamilton’s Battn. Cav. Found as Tallrand Sgt. Maj. N.C.S. 14th KY Cav. April 22, 1915.
McConathy, William J. private Co. A POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865. Record of paroled Prisoners says: Pvt. 2nd Reg. KY Inf. Reported May 13, 1865 at Danville, VA. Paroled and oath administered by Lt. Col. Fletcher April 29, 186_ at Danville, KY. Residence: Glasgow, KY. Destination: Home.
McConnell, Benjamin F. private Co. A Franklin McConnell POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
McCormack, James R. private Co. D (McCormick) POW Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Remarks: Point Lookout, MD March 2,1865. Rectp. For pay: Sept. 1, 1862 to Aug. 31, 1863 @ $24.00 per month $288.00, clothing $25.00, Bounty $50.00. Total $363.00. Received and signed for 1st September 1863 at Morristown, TN
McCormick, Francis M. private Co. C POW Captured at Marshal Co., AL Jan. 15, 1865. Forwarded to Louisville, KY Jan. 20, 1865. Sent to Camp Chase, OH Jan. 23, 1865. Oath taken at Camp Chase, OH. May 16, 1865. Residence Webster CO. KY. Complexion light, hair light, eyes blue, 5'7". Captured at Red Hills, AL Jan. 15, 1865.
McCready, William Sgt. Co. B. Company muster roll 2nd Sgt. Quirk’s Co. Enlisted Nov. 27, 1861 at Camp Burnham by Capt. Bowles for 1 year. Last paid by Capt. Wilson to Oct. 31, 1862. Absent Remarks: Captured near Green River, KY Dec. 25, 1862.
McCormick, James E. private Co. D (filed with McCormack, James R.)
McDevitt, James H. private Co. A POW Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Remarks: Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
McGaw, G. T. private Co C
McGillie, J. M. private Co. B (filed with J. M. McGillick) POW Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863.
McKaid, P. private Co. E POW Louisville, KY rec’d Oct. 22, 1863. Captured Auburn, KY Oct. 17, 1863. Discharged Oct. 26, 1863 Remarks: Camp Douglas. This man escaped prison at Camp Douglas, Ill. on or about the night of 12 Oct. 1863 by bribing the guards in some manner unknown to us. Denies ever being there but I have good proof that he was a prisoner there.
McLean, Isaac (no rank or Company given) POW Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. (Negro)
McQuinn, Mike private Co. D Appears on a report: Captured at Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Died Feb. 17, 1864. Cause of death: Diphtheria. Remarks: In vault at C.H. Jordan’s 118 South Clark St., Chicago, Ill.
Messick, John B. private Co. A POW Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863 forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Miles, William H. private Co. D (filed with William H. Mills)
Miller, Edward Surgeon (scratched out and written in is: F&S) see also 11 KY. Cav. POW Louisville, KY Rec’d July 12, 1863. Captured at Corydon, Ind. July 9, 1863 sent to Cincinnati, OH July 20, 1863. Appears on a roll of POWs at Kemper Barracks, Cincinnati, Oh Confined July 17, 1863 by Brig. Gen. Boylen. Released July 19, 186_ by Lt. Col. Boone. Charges: One of Morgan’s men. Remarks: Woodward Hospital. Released July 23, 1863 by Lt. Col. Eastman. Remarks: Sent to Fort Delaware. POW roll Ft. Delaware. Roll issued at Washington D.C. Oct. 28, 1863. Captured: Ohio River July 18, 1863. Remarks: Forwarded from Cincinnati. Rec’d Aug. 3, 1863. Roll of Surgeons paroled at Ft. Delaware and sent to Fort McHenry for exchange. (No date) Edward Miller Pvt. Complaint: Ensipelas. Admitted July 19, 1863 to Woodward Hospital USA Post Hospital, Cincinnati, OH. Remarks: Returned to Kemper Barracks, July 24, 1863. Rebel Surgeon. Rec’t for pay $162.00 for 1 month. (Not dated)
Miller, William J. Sergeant Co. B (see also 2 (Duke’s) KY Cav.) Co. Muster roll: Enlisted Dec. 12, 1861 at Camp Allen by Capt. Morgan. Last paid by: Maj Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00 Remarks: Appointed Sergeant Nov. 15, 1862. POW Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Remarks: Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Mills, William H. private CO. D On a list of POWs held at Kemper Barracks July 20, 1863. Confined July 17, 186_ by Capt. Williams. Released July 19, 186 _ by Lt. Col. Eastman. Charge: POW. Remarks: Sent to Camp Chase. POW at Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Captured: Somerset, KY July 10, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865.
Milton, William A. Sergeant Co. A (see also (Duke’s) 2 KY Cav.)
Mitchell, William H. private Co. A POW Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence: Cincinnati, Oh by order of Brig. Gen. Cox. Date of departure Aug. 20, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. Captured: Cheshire, OH on July 20, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Monroe, Mindel (?) ( filed with Monroe, Winder W. and William W. Monroe) private Co. B
Windal W. Monroe POW Camp Morton rec’d Aug. 23, 1863 forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Remarks: Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865.
Montague, Felis private Co. B Residence: Saint Louis, MO POW roll: surrendered by Lt. Gen. R. Taylor CSA to Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby USA May 1865 and paroled at Selma, AL May 29, 1865.
Moore, James H. private Co. C. Pension applied for Nashville, Tn. Private Co. I 7th Regiment Tenn. Inf. Private Co. C 14th KY Cav. Statement made by James H. Moore. Archives: For place of discharge as of Co I, 7 Tenn. Inf. And additional record as of Co. C. 14th Ky Cav. Records show discharged on the 19 Aug. 1862 (unreadable) near Orange C. H. in accordance with the conscript law. Co. I 7th TN Vols. Nothing found as of 14th KY Cav. Or any other KY organization. Signed: Williamson 11/21/18. POW roll Camp Douglas. Captured Lexington, TN on Feb. 18, 1864. Rec’d March 7, 1864. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865.
Moorhead, John R. (Filed with Morehead, John R.) Private Co. C/D POW Camp Morton. Rec’d . 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Died Nov. 12, 1863. Cause of death: Measles. Remarks: In vault at C.H. Jordan’s undertaker, 115 South Clark St. near Washington Chicago, Ill.
Morgan, Alphonso D. private Co. A POW Camp Chase July 28, 1863. Whence: Wellsville, Oh. By order of Maj. Gen. Brooks. Date of departure: Aug. 22, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Morgan, Richard C. Co. F & S Colonel. POW Sandusky, OH. Captured at Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Remarks: Sent to Columbus, OH order of Gen. Burnside, Aug. 1, 1863. POW Fort Delaware March 25, 1864. Joined post March 27, 1864. Remarks: Morgan’s (unreadable). POW Ohio Penitentiary - not dated. POW Dept. Of the Cumberland. Captured at Kingsport, TN Dec. 13, 1864. Forwarded to Louisville, KY Jan. 8, 1865. Rec’d Military Prison, Louisville, KY Jan. 8, 1865 and sent to Fort Delaware Jan. 9, 1865. Remarks: Nashville. Rec’d Fort Delaware Jan. 16, 1865. Oath taken June/July 1865. Residence Lexington, KY, Complexion light, hair dark, eyes gray, 5'10 1/2". Remarks: Released by order of the President July 21, 1865. POW Knoxville, TN Captured Dec. 13, 186_ at Sullivan Co., TN. Disposition: Sent to Chattanooga, Tn Dec. 25, 1864 (R.H. Morgan Col. 2nd Regt. KY Cav.) Requisition No. 37. Ord Quarter 1864, R.C. Morgan 2nd Battn. KY Cavalry, Duke’s brigade. Requisition for forage. Issued Sept. 10, 1864. Requisition for public horses. Sept 10, 1864 and ending Sept. 25, 1864 at *****field, 265 animals, 3775 number of rations. Totals: Corn 47*7 lbs. Hay 5250.
Morgan, S. Van F&S Asst. Surgeon POW at Louisville, KY (undated) Lt. Co. G 5 Reg. KY. Cav. S.V. Morgan Surgeon POW roll. Captured by forces under Maj. Gen. Burnside in OH. And sent to Fort Delaware July 24, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863 confined at McLean Barracks, Cinn. By Maj. Gen. Burnside. Charges: Forwarded when released July 26, 1863. Delivered to Col. McElroy.
V. Morgan asst. Surgeon (Wheeler’s Division) roll not dated. Paroled at Fort Delaware and sent to Fort McHenry for exchange. S. Van Morgan rec’d at Military Prison, Louisville, KY. Captured at Shepherdsville, KY. Discharged - Oath July, 1864. POW roll dated June 7, 1864 Louisville, KY. Reported May 14, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1864. By whose order: Capt. S. E. Jones. Remarks: July 1, 1864 oath amnesty. Residence Shepherdsville, KY. Complexion Light, hair auburn, eyes hazel, 6'. Remarks: Vol. Deserted and reported.
Morris, Hezekiah P. private Co. C POW Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD, March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Morris, James W. private Co. C POW Camp Douglas. Captured: Cheshire, OH. July 20, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence: Cincinnati by order of Brig. Gen. Cox. Departed Aug. 20, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas. Sent to Point Lookout, MD March 2, 1865 for exchange.
Morris, William private Co. C. POW roll Camp Chase, OH. Captured Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas.
Muren, Theodore private Co. B (Dick Morgan’s escort) POW Dept. Of the Cumberland. Captured July 27, 1863 at Sander’s Ferry, Tn. Forwarded to Louisville, KY. Aug. 1, 1863.Rec’d at Louisville, Ky Aug. 1, 1863 from Nashville, TN. Sent to Camp Morton Aug. 9, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863 (MURER).
Murer, Theodore (See Theodore Muren)
Murphy, Jeremiah private Co. C. POW sent from Gallipolis, OH to Cincinnati, OH July 21, 1863. Age 65 years. 5'5", complexion light, eyes gray, hair white. Occupation: Physician. Residence Lexington, KY. Arrested: Militia Gallipolis. Remarks: Taken in action. Murphy, Jerry POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Captured: Rancine, OH July 20, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, Md March 2, 1865.
Myers, Francis private Co. C POW at Military Prison Louisville, KY dated Jan. 26, 1865. Captured at Marshall Co., AL on Jan. 15, 1865. Where from: Nashville, TN. POW Camp Chase, OH. Rec’d from Louisville, KY Jan. 25, 1865. Transferred to City Point, VA Feb. 25, 1865. Appears on a register of Jackson Hospital, Richmond, VA. Diagnosis: Debilitas. Admitted March 8, 1865. Furloughed March 9, 1865 for 30 days. Pension office: F.S. (Or Frank) Myers, Co. B 9th KY and Co. C 8th KY Mtd. Inf. Not found on rolls of either org’n. No Prisoner of War record was found. May and June, 1864 last roll on file for Co. B 9th KY Cav. And Co. C. 8th Ky Mtd Inf. CSA. Name not found on the general index KY. CSA, Feb. 11, 1915 - Frankfort, KY. Neither the name F.S. Myers, nor the name Frank Myers, has been found on the rolls on file in this office of any Co. Of the 9th Ky. Cav. of any Co. Of the 8th KY Mounted Inf. C.S.A. nor has any record been found of the service, capture or parole of a man bearing either of these names as a member of either of these regiments. The records show that one Francis Myers, private Co. C 14th KY Cav. Was captured Jan. 15, 1865 in Marshall Co, AL and was paroled at Camp Chase, OH and transferred to City Point, VA for exchange Feb. 25, 1865. Nothing additional relative to him has been found of record. Signed: R. ?. McCain Adjutant General.
Nash, John J. private Co. A. Appears on a roll of deserters from the rebel army. When rec’d: June 7, 1864. Where reported: L***ingsburg, KY May 24, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1864. By whose order discharged: Capt. S. E. Jones. Remarks: Oath and remains U.O.R. till further orders. J. J. Nash appears on a register of POWs rec’ at Military Prison, Louisville, KY. Captured: Marion, GA. Discharged: Terms - oath. July 1864. Oath taken at Louisville, KY, July 1, 1864. Residence: Marrion Co., KY. Complexion dark. Hair dark, eyes hazel, 5'10". Remarks: Vol. Deserted and reported.
Neal, Lewis T. private Co. D POW Camp Douglas, Ill. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863, transferred to Point Lookout, MD for exchange March 2, 1865.
Norris, A. A. Captain (Ahnarin A Norris) POW near Sandusky, OH. Captured at Sandusky, OH. Joined: Cincinnati July 28, 1863. Remarks: Sent to Pittsburgh, PA Aug. 4, 1863 by order of Gen. Burnside. POW at Point Lookout, MD. Date of arrival: Western Penitentiary PA March 20, 1864. POW at Penitentiary, Allegany City, PA Jan. 1, 1864. Captured: Cheshire, OH. Remarks: Transferred to Fort Delaware June 23d, 1864. POW roll of Rebel Officers forwarded to Hilton Head, SC Aug. 20, 1864. Rec’d Fort Delaware from Hilton Head, SC, March 12, 1865. POW at Fort Pulski, GA Dec. 26, 1864. Oath taken at Fort Delaware, Del. Residence: Cumberland Co., KY, Complexion light, hair dark, eyes grey, 5' 9". Remarks: Released June 12, 1865.
Norval, Joseph private Co. D (changed to B) Company muster roll: Capt. Thomas Quirk’s Co. Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861. Where: Green River. By whom: Col. Johnson. For 1 year. Last paid by Capt. Butler to Oct. 31, 1862. POW Camp Morton rec’d. July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. (Note: says Serg’t) (see also Joseph Norvell)
Oliver, George W. private Co. C. POW Camp Douglas, Captured: Washington, OH. When: July 19, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Discharged May 13, 1863. Application to take oath: Jan. 1865. Remarks: Discharged May 13, 1863 pursuant to orders from Commissary General of Prisoners date: May 8, 1865. Oath: Residence: Byron, KY. Complexion fair, hair aub., eyes hazel 5' 8". Remarks: Georgetown, OH.
Orndoff, Eugene M. (No Co. Given) private. Filed with E.M. Orndoff. Oath: At Nashville, TN. Jan. 22, 1865. Residence: Robinson Co., TN. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes blue, 6'. Volt.d Aug. 3, 1864. Deserted: Jan. 15, 1865. Remarks: No family.
Osborn, Eph. T. private Co. D Filed with Thomas E. Osborn. Corporal POW Camp Morton POW Camp Morton rec’d. July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug., 1863. Escaped from Camp Douglas Dec. 2, 1863. Age 27, 5' 10", eyes black, hair black, complexion dark.
Owen, R.A. private Co. B Register of payments. Period of service July 1, 1863 to Dec. 24, 1863. Paid July 6, 1864 by J. Amble $274.40. Remarks: Clothing paid. (Back of card indicates 6th KY Mt. Inf. Aug. 26, 1920) R.A. Owen private Morgan’s Scouts appears on a descriptive lists: From Mch. 1, 1863 to June 30, 1863 paid July 9, 1863 by J. W. Crocker $96.80.
Owen, George W. 1st Lieutenant Co. B. Company Muster roll Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted: October 5, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l. Reed. Last paid by Capt. Maurice Sept. 30, 1862. List of rebel and political prisoners confined at Kemper Barracks, Cinn., OH. Confined: July 17, 186_ by Capt. Williams. Released July 19, 186_ by Lt. Col. Eastman. Charges: POW. Remarks: Sent to Camp Chase. Arrested Lebanon, TN, May 5, 1862. Remarks: Transferred to Johnson’s Island May 24, 1862. Appears on a roll of POWs near Sandusky, OH. Remarks: Sent to Vicksburg Sept. !, 1862. Pow from Memphis, TN. Sept. 15, 1862 sent from Alton Military Prison to Vicksburg Sep. 23, 1862 to be exchanged. POW list Camp Chase, OH. Arrested at Bardstown, KY July 6, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 22, 1863. Whence to Kemper’s Barracks by order of Lt. Col. Eastman. Departed Oct. 10, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Johnson’s Island. POW depot of POWs near Sandusky, OH from Camp Chase. Remarks: Released on oath of amnesty May 3, 1865. Residence Shelbyville, KY, complexion dark, hair, dark, eyes gray, 5' 10". Voucher # 3 Paid from 30th Sept. to 31st Jan., 1863 on Feb. 10, 1863 $385.00.
Owens, E. L. private Co B ( also Co. B 7th KY Cav)
Owens, Thomas C. private Co. D (filed with the case of T. C. Owings Co. D 9th KY Cav.)
Pace, H. S. 1st Lieutenant (Henry S. Paces 1st Lt. ) POW Depot near Sandusky, OH. Captured Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Joined: Cincinnati July 29, 1863. Remarks: Sent to Pittsburg, PA by order of Gen’l Burnside August 4, 1863. POW roll Point Lookout, MD. Arrived West Penitentiary, PA. March 20, 1865. Remarks: Transferred to Fort Delaware June 23, 1864. Rec’d Fort Delaware June 25, 1864. Oath: Fort Delaware. Residence: Cumberland, KY. Complexion: light, hair: light, eyes, black, 6'. Remarks: Released June 12, 1865.
Page, George W. private Co C (changed to D) POW Camp Morton. Captured: near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas, IL August 18, 1863. Remarks: Discharged June 13, 1865. In accordance with Gen. Order No. 109. AGO Washington June 6 1865. Remarks: Jefferson Co. KY. Oath: Residence: Jefferson Co. KY. Complexion fair. Hair light, eyes gray, 5' 6". Remarks: Louisville, KY.
Palmer, James W. private Co. D (changed to C) POW Camp Morton. Captured: near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas, IL August 1863. Remarks: Escaped from Small Pox hospital Sept. 22, 1864. POW Camp Douglas. Captured: Portland, OH. Remarks: Wishes to take oath of allegiance and returned to his family which is in destitute circumstances.
Parker, Frank private Co. I POW Louisville, KY roll dated: Oct. 25, 1863. Captured: Auburn, Ky. Oct. 17, 1863. Remarks: Escaped from Camp Douglas Oct. 12, 1863.
Patterson, Samuel private Co. B Muster roll: Quirks’ Scouts. January 1, 1862 to January 1, 1863. Enlisted: Dec. 4, 1862 at Black Shop by Gen’l Morgan for the war. Horse: $10.80
Paul, J. W. (Paull) private Co. H (changed to A) POW Camp Douglas. Captured: Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. POW Camp Chase Rec’d. July 26, 1863. Whence: Cincinnati By order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Date of departure: Aug. 22, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. Report: Died Nov. 15, 1863. Diagnosis Measles. Remarks: Remains sent to Horse Cave, KY.
Payne, William D. private (no Co. given) Oath: Nashville, TN Jan. 15, 1865. Residence: (unreadable) Complexion, fair, hair brown, eyes hazel, 5' 8". Deserted: December 13, 1864. Remarks: No family.
Peddicord, Kelion F. 2nd Lt. (See also Duke’s 2nd KY Cav.) Oath: Ft. Delaware. Residence: Warren Co., KY. Complexion: dark, hair dark, eyes blue, 5' 9" . Remarks: Released June 10, 1865. POW at Penitentiary Allegany City, PA Jan. 1, 1864. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Enlisted: 1st Sgt. Thomas Quirk’s Scouts. January 1, 1862 to January 1, 1863 on October 11, 1861 at Glascow by Lt. Bowles. Last paid by Capt. Wilson to Oct. 31, 1862. Horse: $24.00
Peden, Alonzo E. private Co. A ( filed with Alonzo P. Perdue - Pedon, Alonzo) POW Camp Morton. Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Released Jan. 27, 1864. Remarks: By order of the Priest. Residence: Barren Co. KY. This man took the oath of allegiance.
Perrin, William C. private Co. E POW Camp Chase. Arrested at Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863 rec’d Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence: Cincinnati by order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Departed: Aug. 22, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. Camp Douglas Remarks: May 4, 1865 forwarded to New Orleans for exchange. Residence: Louisville, KY. Paroled at Shreveport, LA June 7, 1865.
Peters, John B. private Co. D. POW Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas July 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD Feb. 21, 1865.
Peters, Louis private Co. D. (See also Lewis Peters (unreadable) 8th KY Cav.)
Peters, William R. private Co. D POW Camp Morton Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Released March 11, 1865. Oath taken at Camp Douglas. Residence: Bath Co., KY. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes grey, 5'9 3/4" Remarks: Enlisted Sept. 18, 1862.
Petticord, Kelion F. 2nd Lt. (Cards filed with Peddicord, Kelion F.)
Phelan, John private Co. C POW Camp Chase. Arrested: Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence: Cincinnati. By order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Departed: Aug. 22, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863.
Philan, John filed with Phelan, John.
Porter, Raymond private Co. D (changed to Co. C) POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Camp Douglas POW rec’d Aug. 1863. Remarks: Escaped from Small Pox hospital Sept. 25, 1864.
Prewitt, John private Co. E POW Camp Douglas March 25, 1865. Captured: In Mississippi Feb. 24. Remarks: Don’t wish to fight against the government nor never did very anxious to take the oath.
Quinn, William private Co. B. List of the rebel and political prisoners released at Kemper Barracks, Cin., OH July 26 & 27th, 1863. Confined: July 20, 186_. By Capt. B. F. Southworth. Released: July 26, 186_. By whom: McLean Barracks. Charges: POW Remarks: One of Morgan’s Men. Record of paroled prisoners Provost’s Marshall’s Office. Middle Military Dept. Reported May 29, 1865. Oath: By whom administered: Capt. Kurpeck. When: Aug. 15, 1863. Where: Cincinnati, OH. Former resident of Baltimore, MD. Destination: Baltimore, MD. Captured: Georgetown, OH. July 15, 1863. (Also check 3rd Cav.) Remain north of the Ohio River until further orders.
Quirk, Thomas Captain (see also Duke’s 2nd KY Cav.) Enlisted Jan. 1, 1861 on Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $90.00. Oath: At Nashville, TN May 19, 1865. Residence: Fayette Co., KY. Complexion: fair, hair light, eyes grey, 5' 9". Where surrendered: Washington, GA May 9, 1865. 2nd Batt’n Cav. (Duke’s Brigade) Petition near Johnson’s Station September, 12, 1864. To have Thomas Quirk re-instated. Col. B. W. Duke - The undersigned respectfully petition you to use your influence with the War Department to have Thomas Quirk, formerly Capt. Co. A, 2nd Battn. KY Cav., reinstated. Said Quirk has been connected with this command nearly 3 years and a great portion of that time was in Command of the scouts. His services have been invaluable. He has shown his gallentry upon every occasion and his devotion to our cause is untiring. Sept. 12, 1864. Signed by: Jos. T. Tucker, Col., H. Hopkins, Lt., H. Hopkins in behalf of Co. A., Robert Cunningham, Co. A., J. W. Clark, Capt Co. C., B. K. Schaeffer, A.A.&T. 2nd Battn., J. L, Rudy, Lt. Co B., G. P. Wade, Lt. Co. A., L. Stedman A.Q.M. Court Martial Record title G.O. #10 Department W. VA & E. Tenn Sept. 13, 1864. Special Requisition Co. Quirk’s: 2 jackets, 10 pair pants, 10 shirts, 10 drawers, 10 socks, 3 shoes. Rec’d at Chicamanga, TN 24 Sept. 1863. Paid to Capt. Quirk from 31 May, 1863 to 31 July, 1863 $280.00. Rec’d Aug 1, 1863. Sept. 8, 1863 paid from July 31, 63 to 31 August, 1863 $140.00 and @32.00 forage $172.00. Forage for two horses for 2 months @8.00 $32.00. 1 grey mare and 1 bay horse. Rec’d at Cumberland Camp Ground, TN. The 30th day of Oct., 1863 of Eli Marks, Capt. & A.Q.M. CSA one grey mare and 1 bay horse. Rec’d pay of $915.00 Feb. 18, 1863.
Reasor, James M. private Co. B (filed with Reasor, James M.) POW Camp Morton Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Dec. 15, 1863 Remarks: Desires to take oath. POW Camp Douglas March 25, 1864. Remarks: Is in good faith and does not want to return to the south anxious to take oath. Oath: Chicago, IL April 26, 1864. Residence: Spencer Co., KY. Complexion light, hair sandy, eyes dark, 6'2". Remarks: Enlisted Aug. 1862. Is 25 years old. Enlisted: Jan 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 on August 25, 1862 at Bloomfield by Col. Alston for the war. Horse: $50.00.
Reese, Houston private Co. B. POW paroled at Memphis, TN by Brev’t Brig. Gen’l E. Boston, Provost marshal D.W.T. June 22, 1865.
Reeves, Charles B. private Co D (changed to A) POW Louisville, KY. Rec’d July 9, 1863. Captured at Shephersville, KY July 6, 1863. Discharged to Camp Morton Aug. 9, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton Aug. 10, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred May 4, 1865. Remarks: Forwarded to New Orleans for exchange. POW at New Orleans May 11, 1865 from Camp Douglas. Exchanged May 23, 1865.
Reeves, Elijah T. private Co. D. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug 18, 1863 Captured at Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Died: Nov. 124, 1864. Cause of death: Diarrhoea. Number of grave: 185. Locality of grave: Block 2 Chicago City Cemetery.
Rice, Fleming D. Corporal Co A. (Filed with Rice, Flemming B.) POW Camp Morton Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Morton July 23, 1863. POW Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Remarks: Released January 31, 1865. Oath: Residence Bath Co., KY. Complexion light, hair dark, eyes grey, 5'10". Oath taken at Camp Douglas Jan. 31.
Rice, James M. private Co. B Muster roll: Jan 1, 1862 to Jan 1, 1863. Enlisted: Aug. 25, 1862 at Bloomfield by Col. Allston. For the war. Horse: $50.00 POW near Sandusky, OH. Captured Lincoln Co. KY Aug. 26, 1862. Joined: Camp Chase, OH Sept. 6, 186_. Remarks: Arrested on his way to join the rebel army. POW Camp Morton Rec’d July 23, 1863 POW Camp Morton Captured near Buffington Island, July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Sent to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Released May 17, 1865. April 1865: Application to take oath. Oath: Residence Spencer Co, KY. Complexion fair. Hair black, eyes hazel, 5' 7. Remarks: Enlisted August 24, 1862.
J. M. Rice (Morgan’s Body Guard) Listed as: Deserters from the rebel army. Rec’d Feb. 13, 1864. Reported to: Louisville. KY. Feb. 13, 1864. Reported to: Louisville Feb. 12, 1864. Discharged: Feb. 25, 1864. By whose order: Gen. Burbridge. Remarks: From Maj. Fitch oath & s&n during the war. Oath: Feb. 29, 1864. Residence Louisville, KY. Complexion fair, hair dark, eyes hazel, 5'6". Remarks: Conscript, deserter, reported. Knoxville, TN. Name appears in column of names as: Jas. H. Rice.
Riley, John H. private Co. C POW Camp Chase, OH. Captured: Aug. 24, 186_. At Lincoln Co., KY. Age: 28, 6' 1/2", eyes hazel, hair dark, complexion light. Remarks: Sept. 2, 1862 rec’d from Louisville, KY. Transferred to Johnson’s Island Sept 29, 1862. Sent to Vicksburg Nov. 22, 1862.
POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Released March 13, 1865. Requests oath Feb. !865. Oath: March 13, 1865 Residence: Franklin Co., KY. Complexion dark, hair black, eyes hazel, 6'. Remarks: Enlisted Sept. 1, 1862. Appears in column of names as John R. Riley.
Riley, W. L. private Co. B Company muster roll. Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted: June 1, 1862 at Chattanooga by Col. Morgan for the war. Horse: $84.00 Remarks: Extra pay due for 108 days served as orderly to Col. (Unreadable)
Ritter, George private Co. B (see also 2nd Battn’l KY Cav. May be the same man) Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted: Oct. 11, 1861 at Glascow by Lt. Bowles for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00
Roberts, Bolin Sergeant Co. B. POW Camp Chase. Arrested: Hamilton Co, OH July 14, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 20, 1863. Whence: Kemper Barracks, OH by order of Lt. Col. Eastman. Date of Departure Aug. 24, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. POW Camp Douglas. Captured: Camp Dennison, OH July 14, 1863. Remarks: Released April 4, 1865. Oath: Residence; Fayette Co., KY. Complexion dark, hair black, eyes hazel, 5' 11 1/2" Remarks: Enlisted: Oct., 1861. Captured: July 14, 1863 at Miamiville, OH. Signs by mark. Enlisted: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 on Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 62. Horse: $144.00
Roff, James F. private Co. D Admitted to General Hospital, Howard’s Grove, Richmond, Va March 1, 1865. Furloughed 30 days March 6, 1865. POW Camp Douglas. Captured Salineville, OH July 26, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout Feb. 21, 1865.
Rudy, James H. Lieutenant Co. B. Residence Louisville, KY. POW paroled at Charlottsville, VA. May 1865. (Copy of Quirk’s reinstatement papers 2nd Battn’l Cav. KY) Rudy, James H. Jefferson Co. Appointed cadet. See personal papers of George C. Brand. Parole of honor taken at Charlottsville, VA. May 18, 1865. (Written by James H. Rudy) I respectfully apply to be furnished an order on G. W. Well & B**, Charlottsville, VA. Or whatever manufacturer may be designated, for an artificial limb. When a Lieutenant in Co. B. 2nd KY Battn. Cav. On the 13th day of October, 1864 at Gen’l Hospital Emory, VA. My thigh was amputated by Surgeon T. C. Montegue of middle third an account of gunshot wound rec’d in the service of CSA at Duvall’s Ford, Tenn. On the 30th day of September, 1864. Voucher No. 7 paid the 31st day of January, 1865. Cadet J. H. Reed from the 1st day of May, 1864 to 10th day of June, 1864. Pay $120.00. Paid January 1, 1865.
Ryan, James B. Captain Oath taken at Nashville, TN April 20, 1865. Residence: Davidson Co., KY. Complexion fair, hair dark, eyes blue, 5' 11 1/2". Vol. April 5, 1861. Deserted April 18, 1865. Subscribed to oath April 20, 1865. Remarks: No family.
Sanders, John C. private Co. E (changed to D and then C) Also filed with John C. Saunders. POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Transferred to Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Died July 7, 1865. Cause of death: Chronic diarrhea. Locality of grave: In vault of C. H. Jordon, undertaker.
Schindler, David R. private Co. B POW Camp Morton. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Applied to take oath April, 1865 at Camp Douglas. Oath: Residence: Spencer Co., KY. Complexion fair, hair brown, eyes grey, 5' 5". Enlisted Aug. 22, 1862.
Schwarz, Theo (Theodore) private Co. B. POW released at Camp Douglas on taking the oath Feb. 6, 1863. Released by order of the President. Residence: Baltimore, MD. Complexion fair, brown hair, hazel eyes, 5' 8 1/2".
Scott, Henry private Co. C. (Changed to D) POW roll dated July 21, 1863 at Gallipolis, OH. Sent to Cincinnati July 21, 1863. Age 32, 5'9", complexion light, eyes hazel, hair brown, occupation: sailor, Residence: Catahohola Parish, LA. Arrested by: 5 Indian Cav. At Gallipolis, OH July 19, 1863. Charges: Rebel soldier. Remarks: Taken in action. POW Camp Morton forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. POW Camp Douglas Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. Remarks: Discharged June 13, 1865 in accordance with General Order No. 109. AGO Washington DC June 6, 1865. Remarks: Catahoula Parish, LA. Remarks: Louisville, KY.
Scroggin, Sidney private (no Co. Given) filed with Scrogin, Sidney A. Oath: Camp Douglas. Jan. 18, 1865. Residence: Woodford Co., KY. Complexion light, hair black, eyes grey, 5'10" Remarks: Enlisted September 6, 1862.
Sears, Thomas J. private Co. D (changed to C) POW roll Camp Morton July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Discharged June 14, 1865. Remarks: Allen Co, KY.
Seeton, J. H. private Co. A. Filed with Sutton, Joseph H.
Sephens, James private Co. C (changed to D) filed with Stephens, James.
Shackelford, John C. private Co. C POW roll Camp Douglas. Captured: Cheshire, OH, July 20, 1863. POW Camp Douglas applied to take oath June 10, 1864. Remarks: Enlisted in Rebel Army through fear of conscription. Transferred May 4, 1865. Remarks: Forwarded to New Orleans for exchange. POW New Orleans confined May 11, 1865. Exchanged May 23, 1865. John Shackford private Co C Filed with John Schackelford.
Shanks, John G. private Co. A Filed with John T. Shanks. POW roll Camp Morton, Ind. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Released by order of the President Dec. 5, 1864. Oath: Residence Nacogdoches, TX. Complexion light, hair black, eyes black, 5' 11". Remarks: Joined confederate Army 26th April 1861.
Shelby, Henry C. private Co. B POW roll, Knoxville, TN. Captured: September 4, 186_. At Green Co. Tenn. Disposition: sent to Chattanooga, Tenn. Sept. 13, 1864. POW roll Nashville, TN states: Co. B 14th Tenn. Inf. Captured at Greenville, TN Sept. 4, 1864. Remarks: Forwarded to Louisville, KY Oct. 26, 1864. POW roll Camp Douglas Remarks: Released 2nd March, 1865. Company muster roll: Enlisted Oct. 1, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Last paid: Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Requested oath in Feb. 1865 at Camp Douglas. A.G.O. 10 St. Feb. 11, 1911. Mr. Whitcomb: Card from Hdgs. Pro. Mar. Gen. Military Division Tenn., Nashville, TN roll sheet 25 shows Henry C. Shelby, private Co. B, 14th TN Inf. Captured Greenville, TN Sept. 4, 1864. Forwarded to Louisville Oct. 22, 1864. We fail to locate him. Can you find anything addt’l ? Respectfully, O. B. Brown. Mr. Brown: Roll 59 Louisville, shows Henry C. Shelby private Co. B 14th KY Cav.. Medical card no. 580826 (shows Pvt. Co. B 19th Ky. Inf. And 14th KY Cav.) Admitted Sept 16, 1861 to No. 1 USA Gen’l Hospital Nashville, TN. Diagnosis: Neurelgia. Transferred G.H. Pro. Mar. Oct. 21, 1864.
Shilmon, Charles private Co. A ( filed with Skilman, Charles)
Shindler, D. R. private Co. B Company muster roll: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Aug. 25, 1862 at Blacks Shop by Col. Allston for the war. Horse: $50.40.
Shippers, B. T. private Co. B (filed with Benjamin T. Shivers) Shivers, Ben Enlisted Sept. 25, 1861 at Green River by Gen’l Reed. Last paid by Capt. Wilson to Oct. 31, 1862. Horse: $24.00. POW Louisville, KY. Captured Burksville (?), KY Aug. 16, 1863. Sent to Camp Chase Sept. 1, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase Sept. 3, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase Sept. 3, 1863. Sent to Rock Island, Ill. By order of Brig. Gen’l J. T. Boyle. Departure: Jan. 22, 1864. Rec’d Rock Island Barracks Jan. 24, 1864. Enlisted in U S Army for frontier service Oct. 17, 1864.
Simpson, James private Co. D. (See also Co. G. 14th KY Cav.)
Sissons, Jeff. private Co. B. Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted: Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Remarks: Detached as blacksmith until May 5, 1862.
Skilman, Charles private Co. A. POW roll Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Forwarded to New Orleans for exchange May 4, 1865. Exchanged: May 23, 1865.
Skinner, Richard S. private Co. A POW Camp Morton Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug.1863.
Slaughter, Ben private Co. B Company muster roll Enlisted Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 on April 20, 1862 at Corinth by Capt. Morgan, For 1 year. Horse: $100.00 Benj. Slaughter 2 (Quirks scouts. Register of Confederate States Hospital Petersburg, VA dated July 1, 1863. Admitted July 1, 1863. Remarks: July 4 duty.
Slaughter, John C. private Co. E. POW roll Camp Chase, OH. Arrested: Salinville, OH July 26, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 6, 1863. Whence: Wheeling, VA by order of Capt. W.C. Thorpe. Date of departure: Feb. 29, 1864. Remarks: Transferred to Ft. Delaware. Rec’d Fort Delaware March 3, 1864. Oath: Taken at Fort Delaware Residence: Nelson Co. KY. Complexion light, hair brown, eyes grey, 5' 8" . Released: Jan. 9, 1865. Remarks: (from Wheeling, VA) Wounded - sent to Columbus Aug. 5, 1863.
Slaughter, S. private Co. B. Simeon Slaughter. Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Aug. 5, 1862 at Lexington by Capt. Bowles for the war. Absent: Captured near Green River Dec. 25, 1862. POW roll Camp Chase arrested: Chester, OH July 19, 1863 rec’d Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence: Cinn., OH by order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Date of Departure: Aug. 22, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. POW roll Camp Douglas Aug. 1863.
Sloan, William private Co. B. POW roll Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 17, 1863.
Smith, William H. private Co. B (changed to D) POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863.Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Died Nov. 9, 1864. Disease: Small Pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Spencer, William H. private Co D. Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Nov. 7, 1861 at Glascow by Lt. Bowles for 1 year. Last paid: Never paid. Horse: $165.00. POW Camp Morton. Remarks: Sent from Louisville Aug. 10, 1862. POW roll near Sandusky, OH. Captured: Barrier (or Brian) Co., KY July 10, 1862. Remarks: Sent to Vicksburg, Nov. 22, 1862. POW Camp Douglass captured at Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Released Jan. 18, 1865.
Sprake, John D. private/corporal Co. B Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Last paid Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00 Pow Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred: May 4, 1865. Remarks: forwarded to New Orleans for exchange. POW at New Orleans May 11,1865. Exchanged: May 23, 1865.
Spratt, James private Co. A (see also J. P. Spratt)
Stagg, Edward S. private Co. B Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted March 26, 1862 at Burnsville by Capt. Brown for the war. Horse: $110.00. Paid Oct. 10, 1863 by D. H. Llewellyn $193.20. POW roll states: transferred from Camp Chase, OH to Cairo, ILL Oct. 27, 1862 for exchange by order of Col. Wm. Hoffman, C.G. of prisoners in charge of Capt. F. S. Parker, Gov. Guards dated Oct. 27, 1862. Captured: Lebanon, TN May 5, 1862. Remarks: Has been on parol in Columbus, OH. Medical card: # 1091851 and #521203 May 7, 1862 U S Hospital Nashville. Discharge May 8, 1862. Diagnosis: gunshot wound. Admitted May 8, 1862. Complaint: fever. Discharged from service May 12, 1862. Remarks: Provost Marshal.
Stanhope, Alfred N. private Co. A (filed with Stanhope, Alfred W.) See also Alfred Stanhope 2 (Duke’s ) KY Cav.
Stanhope, Joseph private Co. A (see also Stanhope, Joseph 2 (Duke’s ) KY Cav.) Stantrophe, Joseph B. private Co. A. (Filed with Stanhope, Joseph B.)
Stedman, L Co. B. Q.M. Sgt. (Filed with Stedman, L 2nd Bn. (Duke’s KY. Cav)
Stephens, James private Co. D (changed to Co. C) POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, Oh July 19, 1863. POW roll Camp Douglas Aug. 1863.
Stone, Henry L. private Co. D (see also H. L. Stone 9 KY Cav.)
Sullivan, Eclemwill T. private Co. C. POW at Nashville, TN Aug. 1863. Captured Silver Spring, Tenn. Aug 26, 1863. Rec’d at Military Prison, Louisville, KY and sent to Camp Douglas. Sept. 10, 1863. POW Camp Douglas. Captured near Buffington Island, Oh July 19, 1863. Died Nov. 28, 1864. Cause of death: Small Pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Suppington, H. F. private Co. B POW Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Captured: Salineville, OH July 20, 1863.
Sutherland, William private Co. B. Company muster roll: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Sept. 6, 1862 at Laurenceburg by Col. Hawks for the war. Horse: $45.00.
Sutton, John W. private/corporal Co. B Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 25, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l Reed for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Appointed Corp. Nov. 15, 1862. POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, Oh July 19, 1863. POW roll Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Surrendered at Washington, GA May 10, 1865. Oath at Nashville, TN May 21, 1865. Residence: Fleming Co. KY. Complexion dark, hair dark, eyes hazel, 6' 1".
Sutton, Joseph H. private Co. A. Deserters Rebel army. Rec’d June 7, 1864 reported to Johnson Co. KY on May 24, 1864. Discharged July 7, 1864 by order of Capt. S. E. Jones. Remarks: Oath and to remain north of river till futhur orders. POW at Louisville, KY. Captured at Nelson Co., KY. Oath July 1864: Complexion light, hair, dark, eyes hazel, 6'. Residence Nelson Co., KY. Remarks: Vol. Deserted and reported.
Sweasey, Chris Corp. Co. B. Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan.1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 25, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l. Reed for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Captured in KY Dec. 30, 1862. Appointed Corp’l Nov. 15, 1862.
Sweasey, Joseph G. private Co. B Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Dec. 5, 1862 at Black’s Shop by Maj. Llwellen for the war. Absent. Remarks: Captured in KY, Dec. 30, 1862.
Sweeney, John private Co. C (changed to Co. D) POW Camp Morton. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. John Swinney Pvt. Co. C. Died Camp Douglas May 19, 1864. Cause of death: Inflammation of Lungs. Number of grave: 142. Locality of grave: Chicago City Cemetery. Swinney, John Co. D (changed to Co. C) private filed with Sweeny, John.
Terrell, Simon F. Sergeant/private Co. B. Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Nov. 13, 1861 at Camp Burnham by Lt. Churchill for 1 year. Last paid: Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Present. Remarks: Appointed Sergeant Nov. 15, 1862. POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. (Filed with Terrill, S. F. and Terrell, Simon)
Thomas, John L. private Co. D POW Camp Douglas. Captured Cheshire, OH July 20, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Died Nov. 6, 1864. Disease: Debility from small pox. Remarks: In vault of C. H. Jordan undertaker.
Thomas, William W. private Co. D Descriptive roll of POWs sent from Gallipolis, OH to Cincinnati, OH July 21, 1863. Age 21, height 5' 10 1/2", complexion light, eyes grey, hair sandy. Occupation farmer. Residence: Bath Co., KY. Arrested by Lt. Col. C***ly at Maigs Co., Oh. July 19, 1863. Charges: Rebel soldier. Remarks: taken in action. POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Died Sept. 4 or 5, 1864. Cause of death: Small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Thompson, J. R. 2nd Lieutenant Co. C POW Fort Delaware Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Rec’d Fort Delaware from Point Lookout June 25, 1865. Oath: Residence Scott. KY. Complexion light, hair light, eyes blue, 6' . Remarks: Released June 12, 1865.
Thompson, Daniel J. private Co. B Company muster: Jan.1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 5, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l Reed for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Present. Military prison at Louisville, KY Aug. 25, 1862. Descriptive list: David J. Thompson age 25, height 5'8", complexion light, eyes hazel, hair light. Town or County: Shelby Co., KY. Remarks: Wounded at Cynthiana, KY a POW. POW Camp Chase, Oh. Remarks: Received from Louisville, Ky by order of: Lt. Col. D**st in chg. Capt Watkins. Rec’d Camp Chase Sept. 2, 1862. Transferred to Johnson’s Island, Sept. 6, 1862. POW roll Sandusky, Oh to Vicksburg, Miss for exchange. Captured Clark Co., KY July 16, 1862. Pow Camp Chase. Arrested Nelson Co., KY July 6, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase July 20, 1863. Whence: Kemper Barracks, Oh. By order of Lt. Col. Eastman. Departed Aug. 24, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas. POW Camp Douglas Sept. 1, 1863.
David J. Thompson private Co b POW Camp Douglas. Captured Springfield, KY July 6, 1863. Rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred March 14, 1865. Remarks: Point Lookout, MD. D. Thompson private Co. B on list of POWs Louisville, KY July 14, 1863. Taken : At Harrodsburg. Sent to Camp Morton Aug. 28, 1863. Remarks: Transferred for exchange Feb. 19, 1865. Davis M. Thompson private Co. B. Transferred to Pt. Lookout, MD Feb. 19, 1865.(It seems David J. Thompson and Daniel J. Thompson are filed together.)
Thornley, Thomas B. private (no Co. Given) Oath: At Nashville. Residence Mason Co., KY. Complexion fair, hair dark, eyes hazel, 5'7". Entered service: Vol. Sept. 11, 1864. Deserted April 20, 1865. Oath dated April 26, 1865. Remarks: No family.
Thorpe, A. private Co. E POW furloughed & detailed men. CSA surrendered New Orleans, LA by Gen’l E.K. Smith to Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby USA May 26, 1865 and paroled at Shreveport, LA June 7, 1865.
Tichenor, Gabriel K. private Co B. (Filed with Tichner, Gabriel) POW Camp Morton, Ind. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island April 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d. Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred March 14, 1865 Remarks: Point Lookout, MD.
Toner, James M. private (no Co. Given) Oath taken at Nashville, TN. Residence Fleming Co., KY. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes blue, 5' 6". Surrendered: Washington, GA May 10, 1865. Subscribed to oath: May 21, 1865. Signs by mark.
Travis, John private Co. B. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Captured at Salineville, OH July 26, 1863. Remarks: Died Nov. 22, 1864. Cause of death: small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Tuggle, William O. Serg. Co. B (Wm. Oray Tuggle) Company muster roll: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Nov. 25, 1862 at Black’s Shop by Gen’l Morgan for the war. Absent. Remarks: Taken near Green River Dec. 25, 1862. Voucher No. (Unreadable) Paid the 8th of Feb., 1864 on descriptive list W.O. Tuggle, Serg’t. Co. B. From the first day of M**. 1863 to the 31st day of Jan. 1864 - pay $153.00. Clothing: $118.38. Use of horse: $96.00 total $367.38. POW taken at Mumfordsville, KY. Remarks: Sent to Vicksburg via Cairo Jan. 14, 1863. POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island April 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas.
Turner, Peter private Co. G (VA Cav) POW rec’d at Wheeling, VA from May 25, to May 31, 1864. Captured: Cloyds Mtn., VA May 9, 1864. Charges: Being in the rebel army. Remarks: Sent to Camp Chase May 26, 1864. POW Camp Chase, OH. Arrested: Cloyds Mtn. May 9, 1864. Rec’d Camp Chase May 26, 1864. Whence: Wheeling, Va by order of Capt. E. Oner. Departed: Feb. 12, 1865. Remarks: transferred to Point Lookout, MD and released March 22, 1865. Peter Turner, Manchester, England. The following is on letter head of the : OFFICE SPECIAL COMMISSION Camp Chase, Columbus, OH. Dated May 8, 1864. To: Maj. L. C. Turner , Judge Advocate. As to Peter Turner aged 25 years of Manchester, England reported as arrested at New River Bridge, VA. May 10, 1864 by U.S. forces and brought to Camp Chase May 26, 1864 charged with having been in rebel service as a private in Co. (G) 14th Reg. Ky. Cav. I have the honor to report that the charge is admitted to be true. The prisoners states under oath that in 1860 (Dec) he went to Augusta, GA seeking employment as a laborer - that he landed at Wilmington, N. Carolina but 2 weeks previously from a merchant ship that he was employed in farming about 4 miles from Augusta and in a warehouse in Augusta until Aug. 1862 when he was forcibly taken by a military guard and carried to Richmond, VA to be placed in Co. G 4th Reg’t Geo. Inf. That he was not placed according to assignment because he refused to be so enrolled - that he was placed in Castle Thunder where he remained over 18 months when to avoid a continuance of imprisonment and with the hope of escape he enlisted in Co. G 14th KY Cav. May 10, 1864 when he deserted in Wyth**ville and having traveled 18 miles reached the Hedoral (sp) Encampment at New River where he voluntarily surrendered. I have no doubt that he is a foreigner from his accent and manners and that his narrative is true. I recommend his release upon taking the oath of neutrality. Respectfully, (signed - unreadable but looks like Galloway.) Released on order of the President March 10, 1865. Complexion florid, hair black, 5' 7 1/2", eyes grey, age 25. He claimed British Citizenship.
Tuttle, James private Co. E POW Camp Douglas Sept. 1, 1863. Captured: Adair Co., KY July 4, 1863.
Tyler, Robt. 1st Lt. (Filed with Tyler, Robert Co. A 2 (Duke’s) KY Cav.
Van Morgan, S. F&S Asst. Surgeon (filed with Morgan, S. Van)
Vaughn, F. R. private Co. C appears on a receipt roll for clothing Gen. Hosp., Montz Springs, VA. Issued: Sept. 27, 1864.
Vaughan, J. F. private Co. B Company muster Jan.1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted: Black’s Shop Dec. 19, 1862 by Gen’l Morgan for the war. Present.
Wachter, Gottfried private (the rest of this record is typewritten) Title of Record: S.O. 109/14 Dept. & Army of Tenn. - Johnston. April 20, 1864. Subject: proceed to Montgomery, Selma, Ala.
Wade, George private Co. B. Company muster roll. Jan.1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct.11, 1861 at Glascow by Lt. Bowls for 1 year. Last paid by Capt. Wilson to Oct. 31, 1862. Horse: $24.00. Remarks: Present.
Walker, John S. private Co. C (filed with Waller, John S.)
Waller, J. H. private Co. B Company muster; Jan. 1. 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted June 13, 1861 at Richmond, VA for 1 year by Col. Baldwin. Last paid by Maj. Ambler to Oct. 1, 1862. Remarks: Present. POW paroled Fort McHenry, MD April 30, 1863. Captured: Snow Hill, TN April 3, 1863. POW Camp Chase arrested Syracuse, OH July 20, 1863. Rec’d at Camp Chase July 26, 1863. Whence: Cincinnati, Ohio by order of Brig. Gen’l Cox. Departed Aug. 22, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Camp Douglas.
Waller, John H. private Co. B (filed with Waller, J. H.)
Waller, John S. private Co. C. POW at Nashville, Tenn. Captured Marshall Co., Ala. Jan. 15, 1865 forwarded to Louisville, Ky Jan. 20, 1865. Rec’d Louisville, Ky Jan. 21, 1865 and sent to Camp Chase Jan. 23, 1865. Oath taken at Camp Chase May 12, 1865. Residence Hopkins Co., Ky. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes blue, 5' 7".
Ward, B. private Co. A. (Filed with Ward, R. S.) Deserters from the rebel army rec’d June 7, 1864. Where reported: Johnson Co. Ky. Date: May 24, 1863. Discharged July 7, 1864. By order of Capt. S. E. Jones. Remarks: Oath and to remain N.O.R. till further orders. Oath: At Louisville, Ky July 1, 1864. Residence Marion Co. Ky. Complexion light, hair dark, eyes hazel, 6'. Remarks: Vol. Deserted and reported.
Ware, Thomas C. private Co. C. (Filed with Ware, Thompson C.) POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island April 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Transferred Feby. 24, 1865. Remarks: Pt. Lookout.
Warfield, Carneal private/2nd Lt. Co. A. POW Johnson’s Island, Sandusky, Ohio. Captured: Nashville, Tn March 8, 1863. POW Camp Chase. Arrested Lebanon, TN May 5, 1862. Remarks: Paroled to Columbus, OH. Parole of which the following is an extract: “We the undersigned prisoners of war hereby pledge to the United States our parole of honor as officers and gentlemen that we will report ourselves at the Rail Road depot in the City of Columbus, on Saturday morning, May 24, 1862 at 8 o’clock and proceed directly to Johnson’s Island near the city of Sandusky in the State of Ohio and report ourselves in person to the Commanding Officer at said John’s Island.” Parole dated Columbus, Oh May 23, 1862. POW from Camp Chase to Vicksburg to be exchanged. Roll dated Aug. 25, 1862. Captured at Lebanon, TN May 5, 1862. Remarks: On parole in Columbus, Ohio. Did not report in time.(At times listed as 2nd Lt., 3rd Lt., and private) Ward’s KY Cav. POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island July 19, 1863. POW at prisoners depot near Sandusky, OH. Joined Camp Morton July 29, 1863. Remarks: Sent to Pittsburg, PA Aug. 4, 1863 by order of Gen’l. Burnside. POW Point Lookout, MD. Arrived Western Penitentiary, PA March 20, 1864. Remarks: Transferred to Washington, D.C. Aug. 9, 1864.
Warson, William T. private/sergeant Co. A. POW Camp Morton rec’d. July 23, 1862. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. Died Camp Douglas May 3, 1864. Cause of death: small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Wason, William T. Sergt./private Co. A. POW Camp Douglas from Camp Morton Aug. 17, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863.
Watkins, Benjamin private Co. A (see also 2 (Duke’s) KY Cav.)
Watkins, Elijah private Co. A. (See also 2 (Duke’s) KY Cav.)
Westerley, William private Co. B Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1863. Enlisted: October 5, 1861 at Horse Cave by Genr’l Reed for 1 year. Last paid by Capt. Wilson to Oct. 31, 1862. Horse: $24.00. * Name appears in column “Names present” as William Westherly. See 2nd Duke’s.
Weaver, W.W. Jr./2nd Lt. Co. D; Roster of officers of the 1st Battalion, Duke’s Brigade of Cavalry Dated: Camp Rosen***m Jan. 10, 1865. Appointed by Brig. Gen’l. Morgan April 1, 1864. Remarks: 2nd Lt. Dick Morgan’s Regiment. Present.
Webb, Thomas J. private Co. D (changed to C) POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Died Nov. 14, 1864. Disease: Small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.
Webster, John H. Adjutant (no Co. Given) POW Camp Chase, OH. Arrested: Leavenworth, Ind. July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase Aug. 1, 1863. Whence: Louisville, KY by order of Brig. Gen’l T. Boyle. Departed: Oct. 10, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Johnson’s Island. POW Sandusky, OH. Remarks: Says he belongs to the 14th KY. Cav. Captured July 19, 1863. Transferred to Point Lookout, MD May 14, 1865.
White, Harrison private Co. B. Company muster: Jan. 1. 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 5, 1861 at Horse Cave by Gen’l Reed for 1 year. Horse: $144.00. Present. Remarks: Detailed as Blacksmith until May 5, 1862.
White, Henry C. private Co. B. (See also 2 (Duke’s) KY Cav.) Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863 for 1 year. Enlisted: Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson. Last paid by Maj. Boyd. Horse: $144.00. Present. POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1863. Remarks: Pt. Lookout, MD Feb. 24, 1865.
Williard, Henry J. private Co. B. POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Forwarded to Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. * name canceled.
Williams, W. F. private Co. C. (Filed with William Williams) POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 18, 1863. Died Oct. 23, 1864. Cause of death: Inflammation brain. Remarks: Sent to Glascow, Ky.
Wilson, Andrew J. private Co. B (changed to A) POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Rec’d Camp Douglas Aug. 1863. POW Camp Douglas Dec. 2, 1863. Escaped. Age 25, 5", eyes brown, hair brown, complexion dark.
Woller, J. H. private Co. B (filed with Waller, J. H.)
Wilson, W. T. private Co. B. Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted: Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Present.
Worsham, Richard private Co. B. Company muster: Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted July 12, 1861 at Camp Boone by Capt. Brekenridge for 2 years. Last Paid by Capt. Lewellen to Oct. 31, 1862. Present.
Young, Ambrose private Co. B. Company muster Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted Oct. 27, 1861 at Green River by Col. Johnson for 1 year. Last paid by Maj. Boyd to Jan. 1, 1862. Horse: $144.00. Present.
Young, Benjamin F. private Co. B. Company roster. Jan. 1, 1862 to Jan. 1, 1863. Enlisted July 16, 1862 at Georgetown by Capt. Lewellen for 2 years. Last paid by Capt. Lewellen to Oct. 1, 1862. Horse: $36.00. Present. POW Camp Chase. Arrested Salineville, Oh. July 26, 1863. Rec’d Camp Chase Aug. 1, 1863. Whence: Columbus, Oh by order of Brig. Gen’l. Jno. S. Mason. Departed Aug. 14, 1863. Remarks: Transferred to Cincinnati. POW McLean Barracks, Cincinnati, Oh. Released Sept. 5, 1863 by Lt. Col. Eastman. Remarks: See Special Orders no. 226, Par.,*1. Captured: New Lisbon, Oh. July 27 by (unreadable) Shackelford. Camp Chase - Dick Morgan’s Cav. Departed Jany. 22, 1864. Remarks: Transferred to Rock Island, Ill. Jan. 22, 1864. Desires to take oath. Remarks: Home in Ky. - will be loyal. POW Rock Island, Ill. Enlisted in the U.S. Army for frontier service, Oct. 6, 1864.
Young, Harvey private Co. D. POW Camp Morton. Rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863.
Young, Leaving Perry private Co. B;(filed with Leven P. Young)
Young, Leonidas V. private (no Co. Given) Oath: Nashville, Tn May 21, 1865. Residence: Fleming Co Ky. Complexion fair, hair light, eyes blue, 5'9" Surrendered: Washington, Ga. May 10, 1865. Subscribed to oath May 21, 1865.
Young, Levin P. private Co. B. (See also Morgan’s Men, Ky) POW Louisville, Ky. To Vicksburg, Ms via Cairo, Ill on steamboat Mary Crane Nov. 29, 1862. Captured at Woodford, KY. Age 15, 5' 8 1/2", eyes gray, hair light, complection light. Levin Young POW Camp Morton rec’d July 23, 1863. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. POW Camp Douglas rec’d Aug. 18, 1862. Applied to take oath at Camp Douglas Sep. 24, 1864. Oath: Feb. 20, 1865 Residence: Fayette Co., Ky. Complexion fair, hair brown, eyes hazel, 5' 11". Enlisted Oct. 16, 1862. POW paroled and forwarded to Point Lookout, Md. Feb. 20, 1865. Confederate Pension Department, Aug. 27, 1915 signed by H. P. McCain Adjutant General ( there seems to have been some difficulty in getting this man’s pension.)
Young, Odd S. private Co. D (see also 9 KY Cav. Co. D) POW Camp Morton. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Camp Douglas Aug. 17, 1863. Died Nov. 4, 1863. Cause of death: Measles. Remarks: Remains sent to Cincinnati, Oh.
Young, Samuel A. private Co. C. POW Nashville, TN Jan. 23, 1865. Captured at Marshall Co., Al on Jan. 15, 1865. POW Louisville, KY rec’d Jany. 21, 186*. POW Camp Chase rec’d Jan. 25, 1865. Oath: Camp Chase May 15, 1865. Residence Caldwell Co, KY. Complexion dark, hair dark, eyes dark, 5' 11", age 23. (Signature by mark)
Young, William (W. H.) Filed with William Young Sergeant/private Co. D (changed to Co. E) POW Camp Douglas, Ill. Captured near Buffington Island, OH July 19, 1863. Died Nov. 20, 1864. Cause of death: Small pox. Locality of grave: Near Camp Douglas.